Our charter of values
IEE is a global leader in automotive safety sensing. Our sensing systems are dedicated to the following markets: Automotive, Building Management & Security, Medical, Health and Sports. IEE was founded in 1989 and is headquartered in Luxembourg. We operate in EMEA, NAFTA and ASIA, and, together with our alliance partner ALL CIRCUITS, employ 3451 people worldwide. More than 10% of our workforce is dedicated to Research and Development.
As a global company, our group recognizes its social responsibility to respect the fundamental rights of both the people who work for us and the communities in which we operate.
As a result, we support the principles established by the UN Global Compact, under which companies have been asked to embrace, support and enact, within their sphere of influence, a set of core values in the areas of human rights, labor standards, the environment and anti-corruption. Honesty, integrity and fairness govern our actions and practices.
We are committed to developing a corporate culture that identifies and utilizes opportunities for both IEE and our employees to succeed while, at the same time, minimizing risks. We see this as a key element of our international competitiveness and, ultimately, part of the future of the IEE Group as a whole.
We assess the quality, safety, social and environmental impact of our operations. Continuous improvement is driven by our integrated Quality Management System. In the manufacturing of high-quality products, we are committed to the preservation and protection of the environment and the responsible use of natural resources.
Our focus is on our customers and we try to anticipate and meet their needs while respecting their culture and work to protect their image and interests. We protect the confidentiality of the data and know-how provided to us by our business partners with the same degree of care as if they were our own.
We are committed to frank, fair, unbiased and mutually respectful relations with all our business partners from the very beginning of our business relationship.
We scrupulously comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the countries in which we operate and recognize different cultural traditions.
Labor Principles
We notably take active measures to implement the principles laid down within the framework of the Declaration of the International Labor Organization (ILO) of 1998, relating to the basic principles and rights at work:
Effective abolition of child labor
Elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor
Elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
Freedom of association and effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
These principles are listed in the following ILO conventions:
- Conventions n°138 of 1973 and 182 of 1999, relating to the minimum working age and the worst forms of child labor
- Conventions n°29 of 1930 and 105 of 1957, on forces labor
- Convention n°111 of 1958, non-discrimination in employment relations
- Convention n°100 of 1951, relating to equal remuneration for work of equal value
- Convention n°87 of 1948, on the freedom of association and protection of the rights to organize
- Convention n°98 of 1949, on the right to organize and collective bargaining
- Convention n°135 of 1971, on workers representative in order to prevent any form of discrimination as a result of trade-union activities.
No form of child labor is accepted or tolerated within our group and the minimum age to be respected is the age of completion of compulsory schooling.
We affirm our respect for trade union activity, with regard to membership and holding of office, in accordance with the principles stipulated by the convention of the International Labor Organization no. 87 of 1948 concerning freedom of association and the protection to the right to organize.
Within the framework of our policy, we make it possible for each individual to play an active role in their professional development. No matter where they work in the world, and no matter what their age and function, all employees can access the training necessary for them to carry out their job properly and to enhance their professional development throughout their career.
In rapidly growing markets, through the profitability of our products and the competitiveness of our industrial and commercial operations, we contribute to economic and social progress by encouraging the development of employment and employability in the industrial and commercial fabric. Within our sphere of influence we support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and ensure that we do not complicit in human rights abuses.
In the context of highly fluctuating demand and very diverse markets, we endeavor to find the best possible balance between our interests and the quality of life of the employees concerned, by entering into dialogue with workers representatives and trade unions. The corresponding measures are implemented in accordance with national legislation and local social relations practices.
We recognize the principle of fair remuneration and comply with the regulations of convention no. 100 of the ILO on equal pay for work of equal value. We agree that the duration of work should not exceed that laid down in national legislation or the collective agreements of the country concerned. Our employees are hired and treated in a manner that does not distinguish between gender, race, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, political opinion, nationality, union affiliation, social or ethnic origin.
In accordance with the legislation and national practices of the countries in which we operate, a right to paid leave is granted to all employees.
We ensure that, in all countries where we are present, employees and their families are afforded sufficient protection in the event of death, disability, industrial accident or occupational illness.
Health & Safety and Working Environment
We have established a “Health & Safety and Working Environment” policy which is based on the “nine general principles to ensure Health & Safety at work” (avoid risks, evaluate the risks which cannot be avoided, combat the risks at source, adapt the work to the individual, adapt to technical progress, replace the dangerous by the non-dangerous or the less dangerous, develop a coherent overall prevention, give collective protective measures priority over individual protective measures, give appropriate instructions to the workers) and provide specific training to our employees in these areas.
This is deployed in the whole IEE Group, involving managers, employees, health and safety professionals and employee representatives in accordance with their respective fields of responsibility.
Management of Health & Safety responsibilities in this way enables us to make diagnoses and formulate action plans. Regular on-site educational sessions ensure that our employees are properly trained in health and safety procedures. As part of our commitment to protecting the health and safety of our employees, business partners and customers, we comply with all relevant rules, regulations and legislation wherever we operate.
By developing and standardizing best practices in these fields, we affirm our commitment to improving the quality of life at work.
We comply with all known and applicable environmental laws and regulations in the countries in which we operate. In the manufacture of high-quality products, we are committed to the preservation and protection of the environment and the responsible use of natural resources.
Our environmental policy is centered on the following principles:
- Reconciling demand for products and services with protection of the environment
- Applying environmental management throughout the group
We commit to controlling non-renewable resources, reducing noise pollution, reducing emissions into the natural environment and to controlling the use of chemicals via a set of priority actions combining the objectives of the group with the local environmental context and to the continuous improvement of our installations and existing technologies. - Preventing or reducing environmental impact
In response to environmental issues, we comply with the standards laid down in the ISO14000 and have obtained certification in this respect. We are committed to reducing other environmental impacts through the introduction of new technologies within our business activity and in the interests of future generations.
At IEE we pride ourselves on high ethical standards in all of our business transactions. We do not offer customers, potential customers, governments, government agencies or any representatives of the aforementioned any rewards, gifts or benefits in violation of applicable laws or reasonable and generally accepted business practices. Relations between our employees and our business partners and public services are handled with objectivity and integrity. We do not tolerate unethical or corrupt practices by our employees or business partners, whether private or public, active or passive. As referenced, we are committed to the Bribery Act 2010. In all of our locations and areas of business, we comply with local anticorruption laws.
Conflicts of interest
Our employees and members of our general management conduct their private and other external activities and financial interests in a manner that does not interfere or appear to interfere with the interests of IEE. Should a conflict of interest arise it must immediately be reported by the concerned person to his/her immediate supervisor.
Conflict Minerals
At IEE, we are requiring our Suppliers to commit to our policy on responsible sourcing of conflict minerals resources, as defined by the requirement of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) guidelines, the Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Act of 2010 and the EU Regulation 2017/821, from the point of extraction until the end users and to comply with our due-diligence procedure.
We expect our Suppliers to provide, on request, certifications and information on their supply chain and initiatives to identify and address actual or potential risks in order to prevent or mitigate adverse impacts associated with their activities or sourcing decisions.
Suppliers are also contractually required to disclose, on request, any conflict minerals used in the production of any product subject to an agreement with IEE and are encouraged to contractually require from their supply base and sub-suppliers to comply with these obligations.
Purchasing General Terms & Conditions
Political involvement
We observe neutrality with regard to political parties and candidates. Neither our name nor any of our assets may be used to promote the interests of any political parties or candidates.
Accounting and reporting
All our financial transactions have to be reported according to generally accepted accounting principles and accounting records must evidence the nature of all transactions in a correct and not misleading manner.
The goals and principles set out in this document apply to the IEE Group worldwide. They form an integral part of the corporate culture of the IEE Group. This Charter of Values is promptly and consistently enforced within the IEE Group. Failure to comply with its provisions may lead to disciplinary action. Respect for fundamental rights is a determining criterion in the selection of IEE’s suppliers and subcontractors.
We encourage our business partners to introduce similar principles in their own corporate structures and to apply them within the parameters of their company policy. We expect that our business partners and suppliers will adopt these principles in all of their business dealings with us and that they will also take responsibility for their respective sub-suppliers for deploying and enforcing these requirements through their supply chain.
Paul Schockmel – CEO
Alain Schumacher – Chief Technology Officer
Kevin Hui – Chief Financial Officer
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