Building on the future of electric vehicles at EVS32

Sensing Solutions for Battery Management
EVS32 is in full swing right now. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to find out how we can improve the life and efficiency of your battery pack for electric vehicles. Stop by our booth B21 bis, Hall 6.3.A. Get to know our sensing solutions for battery management and seize the opportunity to work with us on exciting, innovative projects that will certainly help to build the car of tomorrow.
The question is not whether the shift to electric vehicles will happen, but rather when and how fast it will happen. Smart Cities and electric mobility may not be that far in the future as some may think. OEMs are slowly but steadily preparing the ground for this transition, giving time to various automotive-related businesses to adapt to an inevitable change. Sensors, we know, will play a major part in this transformative future of the vehicle industry. “Competitive batteries solutions are therefore a critical piece in this puzzle of electro-mobility,” Maroš Šefcovic, the European Commissioner for the Energy Union, said in his speech at the 30th EVS in Stuttgart, Germany.
Events such as EVS – the Electric Vehicle Symposium – provide an excellent platform for conversations, demos, knowledge exchange and promotion of top-notch solutions in the field of electro-mobility. The 32nd edition of the internationally acclaimed event kicks off in Lyon, France, today and closes its gates on the 22nd May. Under the umbrella theme “A World of E Motion”, EVS brings together for four full days some of the most relevant and influential players (industry and institution representatives, as well as scientists) involved one way or the other in the making of electric vehicles.
150 exhibitors and this time, IEE is among them. Thierry Goniva, Head of Accelerator for Battery Management, proudly introduces our company’s range of sensing solutions to a public roughly estimated to 5000 people from all over the world.
Thierry, why should visitors come to our booth?
Simply put: We offer attractive sensing solutions for battery packs, with improved performance and easier assembly for applications such as cell voltage measurement, balancing current connections and heating.
What does your presence here in Lyon mean to you?
This event is where we are showing our battery pack sensing solutions to the public for the first time, so it is an important step forward for us. Up to now, we have only worked with specific customers.
What do you expect from this event?
I expect to make new contacts and find new opportunities, especially with battery pack manufacturers and engineering service companies – customers that are outside our traditional OEM customer base. I am also very curious to get feedback on the products we have on display: What is it that potential customers like particularly and what are their specific requirements. We are always open to adapt and we do our best to fulfil them.